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Preparation of carbon-free B4C powder from B2O3 oxide by carbothermal reduction process

Sources:nanopure | Release date: 2018-08-02 | Browsing volume:
Key words:Preparation of carbon-free B4C powder from B2O3 oxide by carbothermal reduction process
To minimize free carbon residue in the boroncarbide (B4C) powder, a modified carbothermal reaction is performed where the starting material compositions are adjusted. Because of boron loss in the form of B2O2gas during the carbothermal reaction of the stoichiometric starting composition, the final B4C powders contain carbon residues. Thus, an excess B2O3is used in the reaction to compensate the loss and to obtain stoichiometric powders. Parameters of the process for obtaining the carbon free B4C powder by the carbothermal reduction have been determined using X-ray diffraction analysis andscanning electron microscopy. The synthesized B4C powder using a carbon-deficient composition shows no trace of carbon with two types of grain morphologies.
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Suzhou Nutpool Materials Technology Co., Ltd., established in 2016, is located in the national high-tech development zone Changshu Economic and Technological Development Zone, and has got funded by Jiangsu Province, Suzhou and Changshu government to scale-up the production of ultra-fine specialty ceramic powders with high-purity.